2025-01-14 2025-01-14 , online online, 1,280 € plus tax Janneke van de Westelaken https://www.forum-institut.com/seminar/25021132-open-source-software-licenses-and-patents/referenten/25/25_02/25021132-course-open-source-software-licenses-and-patents_van-de-westelaken-janneke.jpg Open Source Software: Licenses and Patents

Developers and their superiors need precise knowledge of the open source software (OSS) conditions of use to be complied with if they want to integrate OSS in their own product development. Learn in our live webcast course how to use open source software for company products and which licensing issues you have to consider.

The contents of your online course
  • Use (and distribution) of OSS components: potential pitfalls
  • Patent law considerations for using OSS components as well as for contributing to (existing) open source projects
  • Open source licenses, contributor license agreements and their impact on the patent portfolio
  • Distributing OSS components and releasing own IP under an open source license, risk mitigation: checklists, compliance tools, OSS in agreements and more

Who should attend
Do you work as an in-house patent, IP or legal counsel or as a patent attorney or IP attorney in private practice and do you need to know how to use OSS in conformity with the law?

Then this is the right course for you. This course is also suitable for members of IT/R&D departments in companies and research institutions.
The objectives of your online course
Developers and their managers need precise knowledge of the open source software (OSS) license conditions to be complied with if they want to integrate OSS in their own product development. Having this knowledge, they can avoid copyright violations and factual loss of their own IP rights positions.

Learn to avoid possible copyright and patent law pitfalls that come with different OSS licenses. You will be given plenty of advice on how to exclude legal risks in the use of OSS and will discuss examples of internal verification and release process.
Your benefit

  • Legal certainty when using and distributing OSS components
  • Practical checklists for analysing open source licenses and their implications
  • n-depth insights into license compatibility and OSS business models
  • Access to current best practices in handling open source licenses and IP

Course - Open Source Software: Licenses and Patents

Open Source Software: Licenses and Patents

Capitalize on OSS, yet avoiding legal risks and pitfalls

  • An important yet often neglected topic
  • Learn from the industry expert
  • Practical takeaways

Webcode 25021132

Book now

JETZT Buchen


Your contact

Jean-Claude Alexandre Ho, LL.M.
Lawyer, Conference Manager

+49 6221 500-675


Developers and their superiors need precise knowledge of the open source software (OSS) conditions of use to be complied with if they want to integrate OSS in their own product development. Learn in our live webcast course how to use open source software for company products and which licensing issues you have to consider.

The contents of your online course

  • Use (and distribution) of OSS components: potential pitfalls
  • Patent law considerations for using OSS components as well as for contributing to (existing) open source projects
  • Open source licenses, contributor license agreements and their impact on the patent portfolio
  • Distributing OSS components and releasing own IP under an open source license, risk mitigation: checklists, compliance tools, OSS in agreements and more

Who should attend
Do you work as an in-house patent, IP or legal counsel or as a patent attorney or IP attorney in private practice and do you need to know how to use OSS in conformity with the law?

Then this is the right course for you. This course is also suitable for members of IT/R&D departments in companies and research institutions.

The objectives of your online course

Developers and their managers need precise knowledge of the open source software (OSS) license conditions to be complied with if they want to integrate OSS in their own product development. Having this knowledge, they can avoid copyright violations and factual loss of their own IP rights positions.

Learn to avoid possible copyright and patent law pitfalls that come with different OSS licenses. You will be given plenty of advice on how to exclude legal risks in the use of OSS and will discuss examples of internal verification and release process.

Your benefit

  • Legal certainty when using and distributing OSS components
  • Practical checklists for analysing open source licenses and their implications
  • n-depth insights into license compatibility and OSS business models
  • Access to current best practices in handling open source licenses and IP

Detailed programme

09:00 to 17:00 CET

Open Source Software
  • The open source movement - philosophy and economic importance
  • The OSI Open Source Definition: Which licenses are open source licenses and which are not, despite the claim they are.

OSS licenses
  • Common open source license clauses, among which the copyleft clause
  • Compatibility of OSS licenses - with other open source or with proprietary licenses

Use of OSS
  • OSS business models
  • Opportunities and pitfalls

OSS and IP
  • Open source licences and the patent law implications. "Affiliate" clause, "Contributor" definition, "Patent retaliation" clause, scope of the patent license grant
  • Contributor License Agreements and their patent law implications
  • Open source licenses with no explicit patent license grant clause

Minimizing risks upon distributing OSS components as well as for releasing IP under an open source license
  • Copyright and patent law analyses, checklists for distributing open source components as well as for releasing self developed code under an open source license
  • Careful approach to a licence with a copyleft clause, depending on the business case
  • OSS compliance tools (scanning; docker containers)
  • OSS in in sales, purchasing and development agreements
  • OSS contribution independent of the employer, in other words in a person's free time

This distinguishes our events

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Go forward

White paper: Research and Development Agreements

Download the checklist with typical R&D agreements clauses.

White paper: Research and Development Agreements
White paper: Patent License Agreements

Download the checklist with typical patent license agreements clauses.

White paper: Patent Licensen Agreements
White paper on generative AI in patents

Discover the future of patent work in the age of artificial intelligence in this expert interview with Sebastian Goebel.

White paper: