2025-02-15 2025-02-15 , online online, 1,150 € plus tax Tamara Kicic https://www.forum-institut.com/seminar/25038000-public-procurement-in-esi-and-amif-bmvi-isf-funds-audit-and-financial-corrections/referenten/25/25_03/25038000-public-procurement-esi_kicic-tamara.jpg Public Procurement in ESI and AMIF/BMVI/ISF Funds - Audit and Financial Corrections

Join us for an intensive one-day seminar delving into the intricacies of public procurement for ESI Funds. Through a hands-on approach, gain a thorough understanding of the legal framework and the verification/audit processes inherent in public procurement for ESI Funds.

  • Overview of the legal framework for the public procurement
  • How to carry out audit of the public procurement procedure
  • How to preserve audit trail and expectations of auditors from MA/IBs during their verification of the public procurement procedure
  • How to correctly apply financial corrections on the irregularities found during the verification/audit of the public procurement procedure

Who should attend
We welcome professionals from managing authorities, audit authorities, intermediate bodies, joint secretariats, development banks, foundations, organizations, as well as national and regional entities responsible for managing and auditing the following funds:

  • European Regional Development Fund
  • European Social Fund Plus
  • Cohesion Fund
  • Just Transition Fund
  • European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund
  • Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund
  • Internal Security Fund
  • Instrument for Financial Support for Border Management and Visa Policy

This seminar is essential for entry-level individuals and serves as an engaging knowledge refresher for senior professionals.
Aims and objectives
The goal of the seminar is to give an overview of the legal framework and verification/audit of the public procurement procedure that contributes to better understanding of the public procurement.

By the conclusion of the event, you will gain valuable insights into public procurement in its entirety, along with a clear grasp of the necessary requirements for accurate verification/audit.
Your benefit

  • Enhance your skills in audit and verification of the public procurement
  • Recognize irregularities and correctly apply financial corrections
  • Exchange best practices with colleagues across the EU

25038000 Public procurement ESI

Public Procurement in ESI and AMIF/BMVI/ISF Funds - Audit and Financial Corrections

  • First-hand expertise with real-life cases
  • Everything you need to know in one day
  • Our events are ISO certified

Webcode 25038000

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JETZT Buchen


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9:00 - 17:00

9:00 - 17:00



Your contact

Dr. Viola Prifti
Conference Manager

+49 6221 500-660


Join us for an intensive one-day seminar delving into the intricacies of public procurement for ESI Funds. Through a hands-on approach, gain a thorough understanding of the legal framework and the verification/audit processes inherent in public procurement for ESI Funds.


  • Overview of the legal framework for the public procurement
  • How to carry out audit of the public procurement procedure
  • How to preserve audit trail and expectations of auditors from MA/IBs during their verification of the public procurement procedure
  • How to correctly apply financial corrections on the irregularities found during the verification/audit of the public procurement procedure

Who should attend
We welcome professionals from managing authorities, audit authorities, intermediate bodies, joint secretariats, development banks, foundations, organizations, as well as national and regional entities responsible for managing and auditing the following funds:

  • European Regional Development Fund
  • European Social Fund Plus
  • Cohesion Fund
  • Just Transition Fund
  • European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund
  • Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund
  • Internal Security Fund
  • Instrument for Financial Support for Border Management and Visa Policy

This seminar is essential for entry-level individuals and serves as an engaging knowledge refresher for senior professionals.

Aims and objectives

The goal of the seminar is to give an overview of the legal framework and verification/audit of the public procurement procedure that contributes to better understanding of the public procurement.

By the conclusion of the event, you will gain valuable insights into public procurement in its entirety, along with a clear grasp of the necessary requirements for accurate verification/audit.

Your benefit

  • Enhance your skills in audit and verification of the public procurement
  • Recognize irregularities and correctly apply financial corrections
  • Exchange best practices with colleagues across the EU

Detailed programme

9:00 - 17:00

08:30 - 09:00 Registration

09:00 - 09:30 Welcome note and introduction of the participants

09:30 - 10:10

Legal Framework
Directives for the public procurement (2014/23, 2014/24 and 2014/25) with emphasis on Directive 2014/24, which determines the rules for the public procurement of goods, services and works.

10:15 - 10:45

Public Procurement - Audit Part I
  • Breakdown of public procurement procedure: from notification to conclusion of the contract and contract amendments
  • Audit approach in system audit and audit of operations.
  • Importance of audit trail
  • Expectations of the auditors from MA/IBs in verification of the public procurement

10:45 - 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 - 12:15

Public Procurement - Audit Part II
  • Breakdown of public procurement procedure: from notification to conclusion of the contract and contract amendments
  • Audit approach in system audit and audit of operations.
  • Importance of audit trail
  • Expectations of the auditors from MA/IBs in verification of the public procurement

12:15 - 12:30

Time to ask questions and seek expert guidance

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch

13:30 - 14:15

Financial Corrections in Public Procurement
  • Walkthrough of the Guidance for determining financial corrections to be made to expenditure financed by the Union for non-compliance with the applicable rules on public procurement (C(2019) 3452 final)
  • Examples of irregularities found in audits of public procurement

14:15 - 14:30

Time to ask questions and seek expert guidance

14:30 - 14:45 Coffee break

14:45 - 16:45

Case Studies
How to correctly apply financial corrections

16:45 - 17:00

Time to ask questions and seek expert guidance

17:00 End of the seminar

More information

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FORUM Institut's all-in-one training platform uses the latest teaching methods.
All our online training courses take place in the Learning Space, our holistic learning environment with many features that promote effective and sustainable learning.

  • Live and interactive learning on our Learning Space training platform
  • A platform with many features: events rooms, chat, course agendas and documents, surveys, workshop rooms and much more
  • Easy surveys with Slido
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  • The perfect marriage of teaching methods and technology
  • High level of interactivity with plenty of opportunity for questions
  • Continuous support throughout the event to ensure the most effective learning
  • Free technical pre-meeting to start off your training on the right foot

Free pre-meeting and technology check

You can attend one of our pre-meetings and explore our Learning Space free of charge. Registration is not required. You can find available dates for a pre-meeting in your customer portal. Click the green 'Participate' button in the pre-meeting in the customer portal and you will be redirected to the Learning Space.

The pre-meeting gives you the opportunity to explore our Learning Space and to familiarise yourself with the technology to start off your online training on the right foot. This is a non-binding offer for all our customers and not a prerequisite for participation. If a pre-meeting date does not suit you but you would still like a technology check, please contact us.

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