The most important decisions of the Boards of Appeal in the field of biopharmaceuticals and biotechnology and changes in the Guidelines will be presented. The panelists will discuss, in particular, the consequences of these decisions and changes on patent practice.
This online course centers around an interactive case study that provides participants with a hands-on analysis of US patent law in comparison to European Law. Special attention will be paid to US practice in the post-AIA world.
This online course provides essential understanding of statutory and contractual trade secret protection especially against insider and outsider theft. The online course assists in the organization of statutory and contractual instruments and helps to understand their impact on corporate life.
Learn how to write AI patent applications which get granted and are infringed upon! This online course will give you the best practical tips to improve your skills in drafting applications for AI patents. Apply your knowledge in a practical test including feedback from our expert speakers.
The IP Management in Practice online course was developed in cooperation with a network of experienced IP Managers, IP Directors, and Heads of IP working in various industries and from private practice. Each course day includes a mix of theory and practice. The course content has been chosen with regard to practical application in daily practice.
Our speakers will give you tips and tricks on EP claim drafting and will show you which pitfalls to avoid.
This topical in-person conference is about the latest developments in global patent litigation. Attendees will get insights into the 'hot' topics of global patent litigation from top speakers from the judiciary, industry and private practice.
Participants, doing business in a complex multi-jurisdictional environment, will be enabled to address difficult situations when designing and negotiating R&D agreements in cross-border projects.
This course enables attendees to get up to date on the UPC Case Management System and to master the most common problems when using the UPC CMS.
This online course aims at providing attendees with the mindset, the methodology and the tools to move a traditional IP department to an agile IP department.
Participants, doing business in a complex multi-jurisdictional environment, will be enabled to address difficult situations when designing and negotiating patent license agreements in cross-border projects.